I like I wish is a facilitated team feedback activity where team members of a team engaged in a creative project get to provide and receive both positive and constructive feedback in written as well as in spoken format. Sessions are processed in a safe and systematic way. The format was developed by Satu Rekonen through dozens of sessions organized since 2011 on several different interdisciplinary courses taking place mainly in Aalto Design Factory.
reasons for a facilitation in creative project driven teams

We are a collective
Innovative projects call for individual and collective creativity. This requires an atmosphere where team members feel safe to share their ideas, thoughts and doubts. Open communication is crucial in interdisciplinary teams, where differing and competing viewpoints are at the same time essential and yet can spark conflict.

We like to assume
Team members should have the ability to provide feedback to each other. Without feedback people might not know whether they are doing things right or doing the right things. The risk is that the team’s behaviour starts to build on assumptions. If assumptions are never spoken aloud, efforts may be focused and energy spent on things that never existed in the first place.

We are busy
The importance of tangible progress easily overcomes the importance of feedback. Although recognized as important, putting aside some time and effort to systematically providefeedback among team members is easily neglected. That is why supporting structures, such as facilitated feedback sessions, are a convenient way to concentrate on the team’s communicational issues.
all the instructions and materials for a great session
Before the session
The following document is for the facilitator to prepare for a session. This is the manual.
Before the session
Each of the participants should be given the following forms in the beginning of the session.
Credits - The Background
Facilitated feedback sessions were inspired by d.school at Stanford University where Satu first encountered the possibilities of the “I Like, I Wish” –approach.

The Architect
Satu Rekonen
Satu’s passion is in exploring how to maneuver with the ambiguity and diversity that innovative interdisciplinary projects bring forth for the team. By utilizing different kinds of soft skill tools, she aims to help the teams to utilize their full potential. Satu has been perfecting her skills as a feedback facilitator by holding dozens of feedback sessions since 2011, on several different interdisciplinary courses. She was granted the Aalto University School of Engineering Award for Achievement in Teaching 2014 for this method.

Pixels & Sound
George Atanassov
George is the kind of guy you expect to ask for a favour and he’ll give you a whole lot more. In this project George is responsible for everything from the website to the very images you see on the page. George works in Aalto Design Factory as content producer, educator, AV and web developer. He studies production engineering and product development. George loves to get stuff done with his hands, cameras and Macs.

Insitute of Design at Stanford University
Facilitated feedback sessions were inspired by d.school at Stanford University where Satu first encountered the possibilities of the “I Like, I Wish” –approach.

Aalto Design Factory
We call it home. There is no place like Aalto Design Factory. The spaces the attitude and above all the people. Design Factory is the temple of where ideas can grow into enriching experiences to all the ones involved. If close by please visit.
Graphics contribution: Clock by P.J. Onori, Group think by Jose Morbán all from The Noun Project.